
5Playing rules not covered in the TravelballSelect Internet version on www.tbsnationals.com will revert to the Official NFHS rules.
UPDATED 2-3-2025

  • Entry fee in non-refundable
  • Teams must provide a “Certificate of Liability Insurance”
  • Game time is forfeit time (Unless coming from another field). Please have your team warmed up and ready to play.
  • Home team MUST keep the “official book”. Pitching cards for each game will be filled out by the umpire and require both coaches’ signatures. The results will be posted after each game. Once posted, the pitching numbers will be final. Corrections will only be made if the information is entered incorrectly into the system. Scores can be corrected at anytime prior to bracket play. It is also the responsibility of the visiting team to review pitching form


Table 1 describes the recommended mound height, rubber-to-plate, base-to-base, and fence distances for each age division. The rubber-to-plate distance is measured from the rear of home plate to the front of the pitching rubber or coach’s pitching plate.

Table 1. Recommended playing field dimensions Age Division Mound Height Rubber-to- Plate Distance Base-to-Base Distance Recommended Fence Distance

8U Kid Pitch 40’ 60’
9U 46’ 65’
10U 46’ 65’
11U 50’ 70’
12U 50’ 70’
13U 60’ 90’
14U 60’ 90’


  1. Players must be uniformed with proper baseball attire. It is recommended that the numbers are at least 4” in height on all jerseys. Only the director can make rulings on uniform legality. No one can protest uniforms.
  2. All offensive players participating in a TbS Baseball event must wear a double ear flapped helmet while on the playing field. This includes bat boys and bat girls while performing their duties. Youth coaches under 18 years of age must adhere to this standard.
  3. If the umpire observes any violation of these rules, he or she directs the violation to be corrected.
  4. The catcher must wear a head protector, body protector, protective cup, shin guards, and a mask with a throat protector. The throat protector, which is part of or attached to the mask, must adequately protect him. The helmet must have full ear protection. The head, face, dual ear flaps, and throat protector can be one piece.
  5. No Metal Cleats are allowed at Grand Park.
  6. Bats must be made of an approved material, and they must be smooth and round.
  7. Bats must be certified by the manufacturer to meet a Bat Performance Factor of 1.15 or less.
  8. BBCOR bats will be required in the 14u division.
  9. For 13U bats will be restricted to a -5 ratio or heavier. (The weight of the bat in ounces as compared to its length in inches, must be no greater than 5).
  10. Penalty – the bat will be removed from the playing field by the umpire and the manager of the team will be warned against further use. If the illegal bat is discovered after the end of the play, and the play results in the batter/runner safely reaching first base, the batter/runner will be declared out and all runners must return to the last base legally occupied prior to the play. No run may score on this play. Any out that results on the play will stand. On a second offense, the above penalties will apply and the manager of the offending team will be removed from the field and will be prohibited from managing for the remainder of the game.
  11. A batter using an altered bat is declared out, and all runners return to the base occupied at the time of the pitch. A batter is deemed to have used or attempted to use an illegal bat if the player brings such a bat into the batter’s box. Any out or outs made during the play stand.
  12. Name will supersede number with regards to the official lineup.
  13. The use of ONE WAY electronic signaling devices are allowed to worn by all players.


1. A flip of a coin between the two teams determines the home team for each pool play game. For bracket play games, the highest seed is home team.

2. Age clarification
  • Age will be determined using your age on May 1st of current year.
  • TBS will allow a MAXIMUM of three grade eligible kids for the 2025 season. See below.
  • *9U Division Players who turn 10 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible unless they are in the 3rd grade. Also, any player turning 11 prior to May 1 will not be eligible. Players who are 9U eligible are eligible for this division regardless of grade.
  • *10U Division Players who turn 11 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible unless they are in the 4th grade. Also, any player turning 12 prior to May 1 will not be eligible. Players who are 10U eligible are eligible for this division regardless of grade.
  • *11U Division Players who turn 12 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible unless they are in the 5th grade. Also, any player turning 13 prior to May 1 will not be eligible. Players who are 11U eligible are eligible for this division regardless of grade.
  • *12U Division Players who turn 13 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible unless they are in the 6th grade. Also, any player turning 14 prior to May 1 will not be eligible. Players who are 12U eligible are eligible for this division regardless of grade.
  • *13U Division Players who turn 14 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible unless they are in the 7th grade. Also, any player turning 15 prior to May 1 will not be eligible. Players who are 13U eligible are eligible for this division regardless of grade.
  • *14U Division Players who turn 15 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible unless they are in the 8th grade. Also, any player turning 16 prior to May 1 will not be eligible. Players who are 14U eligible are eligible for this division regardless of grade.

Travelballselect National Championship Rules Summary by Age

Rules 8U 9U-12U 13U 14U
Roster Size 12 15 18 18
# Replacement Players
# Add on players (new in 2025)
Open roster
Minimum # of Games Player is Required in Sanctioned events with Qualified Team 20 20 20 N/A
Open roster
  • Admission during the National Championships for persons 16 years of age and older will be $10 pay day per person for a National Championship Pass. Seniors, military and Children 10 – 15 years of age will be $8 per day per child for a National Championship Pass. Children 9 years of age and younger are admitted FREE. Admission applies to everyone except participating uniformed players and a maximum of three coaches per team. ALL PASSES ARE WATER PROOF AND MUST BE WORN ON THE WRIST AT ALL TIMES.
  • NEW IN 2025 Teams will be allowed to ADD ONE player for this event.
  • While we do not allow teams to ADD players, we do allow them to REPLACE up to TWO ELIGIBLE players who cannot make the event.
  • Only games with a recognizable sanctioning body AND/OR league will be counted towards a team’s requirements. Scrimmages will not be counted as “games”.

3. Time Limits

  • All 8u games will be six (6) innings with a 1:30 time limit. No new inning will start after this time. 2:05 time limit in the championship game.
  • All 9u thru 12u games will be six (6) innings with a 1:45 time limit. No new inning will start after this time. 2:20 time limit in the championship game.
  • All 13u games will be seven (7) innings with a 2 hour time limit. No new inning will start after this time. 2:30 time limit in the championship game.
  • Teams advancing to bracket play will be determined by the number of teams in a specific age group form year to year. The final determination will be announced at the coaches meeting. The championship format will be double elimination format while the challenge cup format will be single elimination with consolation games.

4. Roster batting:

  • Teams can bat a nine-player lineup, a 10-player lineup using an extra hitter (EH), or roster bat all present uniformed players. The lineup must be declared before the start of the game and used the entire game.
  • If a team uses a lineup that contains 10 players, the player in the EH position, while not actually playing a defensive position, is treated as such for substitution purposes.
  • Any team that is not roster batting should declare all eligible substitutes by noting them as such on the official lineup that is exchanged with the opposing team and/or home plate umpire at the beginning of the game. Players not listed as eligible substitutes but appear legally on the online roster will be considered legal substitutes.
  • If a team chooses to roster bat, then all players other than the nine defensive position players are extra hitters and can move freely in defensive positions.
  • If a team is batting all present, uniformed players, with no eligible substitutes listed on the lineup card, and the number of players is nine or 10, that team is considered to be roster batting for the purposes of defensive substitutions and courtesy runners, unless the coach has specifically declared otherwise at the pregame plate conference.
  • If additional players arrive after the game has started, those players are placed at the end of the batting order. If the coach declares at the pregame plate conference that he is not roster batting, the late players are listed on the lineup as eligible substitutes.
  • For teams that are not roster batting, starting players can withdraw and re-enter once (including designated hitters, for age divisions that allow them), provided that the players re-enter in their original position in the batting lineup.
  • Teams can start a game with eight players provided they take an out for the ninth player. Teams must have a minimum of eight players to start a game. If the lineup drops below eight players, the game is declared a suspended game and is not rescheduled. The suspended game is then ruled a forfeit by the tournament or league director. Umpires have no authority to forfeit a game.
  • Teams having eight players to start a game are automatically the visiting team.
  • If a team’s ninth player arrives late to the game, the manager of that team must make an announcement at the plate conference before the game begins and advise both the plate umpire and the opposing team that he or she has a player that will be arriving late. When the player arrives, the player is announced to both the plate umpire and the opposing team and is placed in the ninth position in the batting order. The game resumes as if he or she was there at the start of the game. Until the player arrives, an out is recorded in the ninth position.
  • If roster batting, players arriving after the game has started are added to the bottom of the batting lineup. If batting nine, or ten with an EH, players arriving after the game has started are legal substitutes as provided in rule C.2 above.
  • If a player is removed from the game for illness or injury there will be an out recorded for his spot in the batting order.
    8U and above teams batting nine, ten, or the roster that drop below nine players are subject to the following:
  • If a team drops below nine players due to illness or injury, an automatic out is recorded.
  • If a team drops below nine eligible players due to an ejection or any reason other than illness or injury and leaves the game, an automatic out is declared in the batting order position of the player that left the game unless there is an eligible substitute.
  • If a team drops below eight players for any reason, the game is ruled a forfeit by the tournament or league director and is not rescheduled.
  • If a player is ejected from a game for malicious contact or any other unsportsmanlike act, the following penalties will apply:If roster batting, the ejected player’s position in the lineup shall be declared an out
  • If batting 9 or 10 with EH, the ejected player may be replaced by an eligible substitute. If there are no eligible substitutes available, the position in the order shall be declared out.
  • A player that has left the game for any reason by missing an at bat cannot return to the game.
    Any player, coach, or umpire who is visibly bleeding must leave the field of play to stop the bleeding. When the bleeding has stopped and the injury is bandaged (if necessary), the player may return.

5. The designated hitter rules below apply to all ages.

  • A hitter can be designated (not mandatory) for any one starting player and all subsequent substitutes for that player.
  • A starting defensive player cannot be listed as the designated hitter in the starting lineup.
  • Failure to declare a designated hitter prior to the game precludes the use of the designated hitter during the game.
  • The role of the designated hitter is terminated for the remainder of the game when either of the following occurs:
  • The defensive player or any previous defensive player for whom the designated hitter subsequently bats, pinch-hits or pinch-runs for the designated hitter.
  • The designated hitter or any previous designated hitter assumes a defensive position.

6. A regulation game consists of six innings for age divisions 12U and below and seven innings for age divisions 13U and over, unless the game is shortened due to time limit, mercy rule, or field conditions or extended by extra innings due to tie. Game clock starts on first warm up pitch.

7. Mercy rules for all six- and seven-inning games include

  • 15 runs after three innings, or two-and-one-half innings (if the home team is ahead).
  • 10 runs after four innings, or three-and–one-half innings (if the home team is ahead).
  • 8 runs after five innings, or four-and-one-half innings (if the home team is ahead).
8. If the home team has run-ruled the visiting team, the game is declared complete, and the winner is named.
9. If eligible, a courtesy runner can be used any time for the pitcher or catcher of record only. A courtesy runner is defined as a player not currently active in the lineup. If roster batting, the courtesy runner is the player with last the recorded out. If the last recorded out is the pitcher or catcher, go back one more spot. The courtesy runner does not have to be a legal substitute, but must be on the online roster and should be listed on the lineup card. The courtesy runner can only run for one player per inning. If batting 9 or 10, a pinch runner is defined as a LEGAL substitution for any runner other than the pitcher or catcher of record. If roster batting, pinch running is not legal as there are no legal substitutes and all players are in the active lineup.
10. In all live pitch divisions, an intentional walk is granted upon request.
11. Any outs recorded during a game once it is ruled a forfeit count toward the pitcher’s recorded outs.
12. Runners are never required to slide, but if a runner elects to slide, the slide must be legal.
13. If a tag play is imminent, the runner should slide or seek to avoid contact. Jumping over a player is not considered avoiding contact.

14. No player can initiate malicious contact. It is the umpire’s judgment call that determines whether the contact is malicious.

  • PENALTY: The player initiating malicious contact is removed from the game. Note: There can be a collision where both players go head over heels that is not malicious contact. The key for malicious contact is intent. Umpires must ask themselves when making the call, “Did the runner deliberately or intentionally run into the fielder to break up the play or cause harm to the fielder?” If the answer is yes, then you have malicious contact, if the answer is no, then it is a clean play and you have nothing. Umpires must be careful when making this call to avoid ejecting players if the intent is not there. Keep in mind that the younger ages are just learning the game, and sometimes there is contact by the runner not sliding and running into the catcher. Remember, the key word is intent.
15. If a defensive player is obstructing the runner (judgment call by the umpire), contact by the runner is not illegal unless it is malicious.
16. If a game is called due to weather or other hazardous conditions, it is ruled an official game provided three and one half innings have been completed if the home team is ahead or four innings if the home team is behind for seven-inning games. It is ruled an official game provided two and one half innings have been completed if the home team is ahead or three innings if the home team is behind for six-inning games.
17. Slashing is NOT ALLOWED. The batter will be declared out on the attempt. The ball will become dead immediately, the batter declared out and all runners will return to original base.

18. All games stopped by an event official for weather or other reasons before the game is declared official are suspended games.

  • Should a championship game be interrupted by weather conditions, darkness or unusual conditions and is not an official game as described above, then the championship game will be determined by the score at the end of the last full inning of play, regardless of length. If the score is tied after the last completed inning or the 1st inning of the game is not completed, the higher seed shall be named champion.


  • Pitching guidelines are as follows: 8U, 9U and 10U will be allowed 10 innings for the duration of the event. These innings are to be used at the manager’s discretion. One out is equal to 1/3 of an inning. No more than six (6) innings in one day. Violating this rule will result in a forfeit.
  • Pitching guidelines are as follows: 11U and 12U will be allowed 11 innings for the duration of the event. These innings are to be used at the manager’s discretion. One out is equal to 1/3 of an inning. No more than six (6) innings in one day. Violating this rule will result in a forfeit
  • Pitching guidelines are as follows: 13U will be allowed 12 innings for the duration of the event. These innings are to be used at the manager’s discretion. One out is equal to 1/3 of an inning. No more than seven (7) innings in one day. Violating this rule will result in a forfeit.
  • Pitching guidelines for 14u – coaches discretio
  1. A second trip to the same pitcher in the same inning causes the pitcher’s automatic removal from the mound (not the game).
  2. When a pitcher takes his or her position at the beginning of each inning, or when he or she relieves another pitcher, he or she is permitted warm-up pitches, not to exceed eight preparatory pitches to the catcher or coach.
  3. A pitcher removed from the pitching position cannot return to the pitching position during a game, but can re-enter to any other position
  4. Balks
  5. Balks are enforced in all divisions where there are no restrictions on stealing.
  6. The balk will be a dead ball.
  7. A balk will be enforced if the following occurs.
  • The pitcher, while touching his plate, feints a throw to first or third base and fails to complete the throw; A pitcher is to step directly toward a base before throwing to that base and is required to throw (except to second base) because he steps. It is a balk if, with runners on first and third, the pitcher steps toward third and does not throw, merely to bluff the runner back to third; then seeing the runner on first start for second, turn and step toward and throw to first base. It is legal for a pitcher to feint a throw to second base.


  1. There are nine defensive players on the field.
  2. 8U player pitch is closed bases.
  3. There are no lead-offs until the ball crosses the plate.
  4. No balks are enforced or called.
  5. Walks will be considered a “dead ball” for the batter and any FORCED runners only.
  6. Runners must stay on the base when the pitcher is in the pitching position and the catcher is in the catching position. If the runner leaves the base early, (first offense) the umpire places the runner back on the last base occupied unless the runner was put out, (second offense) the runner will be declared out and all other runners must return to originally occupied base. If forced, the runner advances one base ahead of the batter-runner. If the ball is put into play, the defense has the option of taking the play or placing the runner or runners back on base and the batter back in the batter’s box.
  7. The infield fly rule applies.
  8. There is no batter advancement on dropped third strikes.
  9. The runner cannot steal home. The only way the runner can advance from third to home is if batted or forced home.
  10. 10 run limit per inning.

F. Guidelines for Participants

The umpires handle unsportsmanlike conduct if the unsportsmanlike conduct is on the field of play. If an umpire has a problem with a fan or parent, the umpire should see the manager of the offending team and have the manager handle the situation. If the manager fails to handle the situation, then the umpire addresses the tournament official. TbS Baseball expresses the need for sportsmanship before, during, and after all events.

G. Guidelines for Protest

If a team protests, the manager must notify the home plate umpire, and the umpire summons the tournament director to the field to address the protest. The protest fee is $100 in cash. The fee is returned if the protest is ruled in favor of the protesting team. Judgment calls cannot be protested. All protests MUST be done at time of alleged infraction or if it’s the last play of the game it MUST be done BEFORE the umpires leave the field.

H. Guidelines for Ejections

  1. When a manager, player, coach, or trainer is ejected from the game, he or she can take no further part of that game.
  2. All ejections from games mandate that the individual(s) ejected must exit the park directly after the ejection is made.
  3. If an individual is ejected, that person must serve a 1-game suspension on top of being ejected in the current game. A second offense in the same event will result in being removed for the remainder of the event.

    TBS Baseball expresses good sportsmanship first and foremost.

I. Guidelines for Suspension and Dismissal

Any member of a TbS Baseball Event behaving in an unsportsmanlike manner can be subject to dismissal or suspension.

  1. Any verbal or physical attack on any TbS Baseball participant or member during a TbS Baseball event or following a TbS Baseball event can result in suspension or dismissal.
  2. Any player of TBS Baseball receiving compensation for playing in any TbS Baseball event is subject to suspension or dismissal.
  3. Any player competing under an assumed name or illegal birth certificate or ID card could result in suspension or permanent dismissal. This rule also applies to coaches and managers who have previous knowledge of such infraction.
  4. Any suspended member of TbS Baseball is not allowed to participate in any TbS Baseball event until such suspension is lifted. This rule applies to players, umpires, coaches, and directors.
  5. All records of suspension must be submitted to all parties involved including TbS Baseball in a timely manner.

J. Extra-Inning for bracket play/Pool Tie Breakers

  • Pool games can end in a tie. The standings will reflect the tie.
  • In bracket play, if games are tied at the end of regulation or the time limit has expired, we will put the last BATTED out on 2nd base with no outs. This will be repeated every inning until we get a winner.
  • Ties in standings will be broken in the following order. Head to head play, runs allowed, run differential, and flip of the coin. For run differential tiebreakers, all scoring will be capped at 8 (eight) runs. Once we have thrown out a tie-breaker, you can NOT go back. For example if there is a three (3) way tie for a pool winner and “head to head” cannot decide the outcome, then “runs allowed” will decide first and second. We will NOT go back to “head to head” with the remaining two teams at any point. Pool winners always take priority when seeding.

BAT POLICY: We will adopt the 2025 approved sanctioned bat policy for this event. All bats must have the 1.15 stamp.

The following bats have been banned for play in TBS events beginning June 1, 2017. This will also include the “re-tooled” versions as well.

WTDXCBR 2129-17 2017 CF Zen Balanced 2 5/8″ (-8) – 29″/21 oz
WTDXCBR 2230-17 2017 CF Zen Balanced 2 5/8″ (-8) – 30″/22 oz
WTDXCBR 2331-17 2017 CF Zen Balanced 2 5/8″ (-8) – 31″/23 oz
WTDXCBR 2432-17 2017 CF Zen Balanced 2 5/8″ (-8) – 32″/24 oz
WTDXCBZ 1828-17 2017 CF Zen SL 2 3/4″ (-10) – 28″ /18 oz
WTDXCBZ 1929-17 2017 CF Zen SL 2 3/4″ (-10) – 29″ /19 oz
WTDXCBZ 2030-17 2017 CF Zen SL 2 3/4″ (-10) – 30″ /20 oz
WTDXCBZ 2131-17 2017 CF Zen SL 2 3/4″ (-10) – 31″ /21 oz
WTDXCBZ 2232-17 2017 CF Zen SL 2 3/4″ (-10) – 32″ /22 oz
WTDXCBZ 1929-17F1 2017 CF Zen Zero Dark 2 3/4″ (-10) – 29″ /19 oz
WTDXCBZ 2030-17F1 2017 CF Zen Zero Dark 2 3/4″ (-10) – 30″ /20 oz
WTDCCBZ17V Custom 2017 CF Zen 2 3/4″ (-10)
WTDCCBR17V Custom 2017 CF Zen Balanced (-8)
2020 Meta (-3) Louisville Slugger5

  • 13U – nothing greater than a -5 is allowed
  • 14U – Must use approved BBCOR bats



Inclement Weather Policy

5/6 game guarantee
0 games played 100% credit to a future Athletx Sports Group event. 1-2 games played 50% credit to a future Athletx Sports Group event. 3 games played, NO credit will be issued.

The tournament reserves the right to reformat the event if necessary. The tournament also reserves the right to deem any game that has been suspended, a complete game as long as it meets the complete game requir

11221 Plantside Drive Louisville, KY 40299